Locked out? If you need help from a friendly locksmith in Caulfield, get in touch with the team at ASAP Locksmiths. Our experts will have you sorted out in absolutely no time at all – we’ve been helping residents throughout Melbourne get into their home, create new sets of keys and sort out their miscellaneous lock and key problems for years – since 1983 to be exact. This level of experience means that we’re an excellent choice for anyone who requires the services of a locksmith – regardless of the complexity of the problem they’re facing.

Need us in a pinch? We also have an emergency locksmith on call so we have you covered round the clock.


Our expert rekeying and locksmith service will come to you ASAP

Each locksmith on our team has been hand-picked for their dedication to providing quality key and security solutions for all clients, from single homeowners to small businesses. No job is too big or too small for us, and because we’re available after hours, we can provide immediate safety and peace of mind in cases of accidents or break-ins.

So, if you require security and alarm helpcar key replacement, domestic and automotive locksmith services and rekeying in Caulfield, don’t hesitate to give the ASAP team a call.


Need an emergency locksmith ASAP? Give us a call when you need us most!

At ASAP Locksmiths, we’ve been servicing Caulfield and the surrounding areas for as long as we’ve been operating, so we know Victoria’s capital like the back of our hand. When you talk to us, we’re sure to provide you with a quick, easy and affordable solution to whatever locking problems you have. Looking for a simple upgrade or a total replacement? No worries. Whatever you need, we’re here to help.

Whether you require help in Caulfield, ArmadaleSouth MelbourneWindsorPrahranHawthornPort MelbourneOakleighBrightonToorakSt Kilda and everywhere in between, ASAP is here to help you feel safe and secure.

Our ASAP Locksmiths team also provide after hour emergency locksmith service in Caulfield – so if you find yourself locked out of your home or car at any time of the day or night. We can be there as quick as possible to replace your keys or help you enter your property or vehicle. Call us on (03) 9510 3151 or send us an email at sales@asaplocksmiths.com.au.

ASAP Locksmiths service many south-eastern suburbs including the following suburbs close to Caulfield: